Water & Sewer

Water Systems

Water systems can be damaged in nearly every phase of the piping system.  Steel pipes suffer from direct corrosive attack.  They need to be properly coated, installed with particular care, spliced and recoated to exact standards, and have proper cathodic protection installed.  When you purchase underground steel piping how do you know that it was properly manufactured and coated at the factory?  The answer is you don’t know unless someone stands there and watches the manufacturing process.  CCC can be your inspector.  CCC has a great deal of experience with pipe manufacture and proper coatings and their effective application.  CCC can review your pipe specifications, travel to the pipe-manufacturing site and fully inspect the pipes’ manufacture, coating, testing, storage, handling, and shipping methods.  CCC can travel to the installation site and help with the pipe unloading, receiving inspections, chill ring splicing, splice field coating, holiday testing, installation of cathodic protection test sites, mitigation of stray current damage, and full cathodic protection of the pipeline.

Photo at left: CCC Engineers assisting with the water control part of the Belize Dam Project

Even plastic pipe can be damaged by corrosion.  Many plastic pipes have a low tolerance to petroleum oil damage, microbe attack, high temperature steam pipes, and oil residues left inside of insertion pipes.  Plastic pipes must be spliced in a certain manner.  Do you fully understand all the mechanical and thermal splicing methods available for plastic pipelines?  If not, call CCC because we do and can help keep you from making a multimillion-dollar mistake.

Water treatment facilities deal with a number of corrosive chemicals such as: chlorine, alum, fluoride, etc.  The storage and use of these type chemicals can create many corrosion problems.  CCC can help you select the best way to stop damage from corrosive chemicals at your water treatment plant.

Water storage towers and tanks are always having corrosion problems.  CCC can inspect your above ground and underground storage tanks.  CCC can identify problems or stop them from occurring on new tanks.  CCC can even paint, recoat, liner, or repair most damages that occur at your facility.  CCC can actually have a new custom tank completely fabricated to US National Standards for your plant.  

Sewer Systems

Sewer system corrosion can be incredible.  Not only do you have the same problems that the water systems have, you also have much more corrosive chemicals attacking your equipment.  How many times have you had to replace your aerators, pumps, fountain sprayers, etc?  It’s not necessary.  You have other options.

There are many ways to use advanced coating systems, materials and cathodic protection to mitigate sewer system corrosion losses.  If your entire plant seems to be dissolving around you, give CCC a call.  We can help solve your problems with imaginative solutions.

Photo at right: CCC Engineers inspect improperly manufactured Steel Pipe for The City of Oakland, California.