Structural Materials & Steel Tower Design & Failure Analysis
Structural Materials:
The corrosion protection of structural materials whether steel, stainless steel, aluminum, hybrid, composite, etc. is a complex science. The scientific community including NACE and NASA has studied corrosion of structural materials for years. CCC has followed these developments and its engineers have even visited the test sites of NACE and NASA to see the actual results of some of their most important structural research.
Photo at left: CCC Engineers do microscopic analysis of Aluminum structural failures for the US Coast Guard.
CCC can guide you through the proper selection of stainless steels. For example: some types of stainless steel 300 series alloys can fail in less than 18 months of exposure to salt air environments. While other alloy types can last for decades with only relatively minor corrosion. Aluminum alloys can behave in vastly different ways when submerged in salt water or even air environments. Do you know which ones to chose for your application?
Structural metals can have many different types of corrosion failure including: stress corrosion, fretting corrosion, selective alloy corrosion, delamination, and impingement corrosion. There are many ways for your structural metals or hybrid materials to be fatally attacked by corrosion. CCC can help you avoid these paths to failure.
Direct Embedded Structures:
Direct embedded mono-tube poles and towers have suffered a great deal of premature corrosion failures at the ground line. These failures were very predictable and can be easily solved. CCC can help the customer obtain a proper below ground coating & cathodic protection system that really works. CCC can help install cathodic protection that will stop the continued corrosion of existing poles. CCC can help identify possible sources of corrosion such as: underground copper grounding systems, stray currents, oxygen concentration cells and low soil resistance zones.
Photo At left: CCC Engineers provide corrosion prevention assistance on a Direct Embedded Steel Tower Corrosion failure for a major utility.
CCC can help the pole manufacturer with the selection of a proper coating system, its approved application, holiday testing and mechanical resistance testing. CCC can even design relatively low cost cathodic protection systems that will protect the coated towers from ground line corrosion. CCC can also provide field installation supervision that can help protect the customer and manufacturer from contractor mistakes. CCC offers the manufacturer and the end user customer Turnkey solutions for proper tubular structure corrosion protection.
Photo at right: CCC Corrosion Engineer found an improperly designed Steel Pole that will probably have Direct Embedded Corrosion failure problems in the future, prior to its installation by a major utility.
When there is a corrosion failure, CCC can help with the analysis. CCC has access to many types of laboratories and equipment for proper identification of the causes and methods of a corrosion failure.
In cases where direct Embed Steel structures have failed, CCC can offer expert witness services and provide technical legal assistance for the injured Plaintiff.