Cathodic Protection Design, Install & Test

The proper design of a cathodic protection system is absolutely critical.  An improperly designed or installed cathodic protection system will not only, not protect your valuable equipment and facilities; it can actually very quickly destroy your’s and your neighbor’s equipment, boats, hardware and facilities.  When properly installed, cathodic protection seems like a corrosion stopping miracle, but if improperly done, it is like a non-stop corrosion cancer nightmare. 

Photo at left:  CCC Engineers inspect and repair an old Rectifier operating an impressed current cathodic protection network at a major US Air Force Base.

CCC can help you stop your corrosion problems and not destroy your neighbor by providing the proper design and installation of cathodic protection.  CCC can design and install cathodic protection systems including deep well anode designs.  CCC can check for stray currents and provide bonding to eliminate damage to neighboring structures and facilities. 


There is a great deal of legal liability that comes with the ownership of a cathodic protection network.  Make sure yours is legal and not a liability: call CCC for expert assistance.

Photo Bottom left: CCC created one of the most advanced completely custom built and fabricated detachable cathodic protection systems in the world for the US Department of Homeland Security’s US Coast Guard in Lake Michigan.